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06/11/08 09:31 PM #25    

Karen Gotschal (Baker)

Ahh...the "Chippendales"

What I remember was possibly these people D.A, K.L., M.T., but I could be wrong. Ron, are you sure you don't rembember?

06/12/08 01:19 AM #26    

Reagan Bitler

I have to agree with Theresa and Margie about how different the world is outside of Lycoming County. I remember talking about the "flat landers" coming for the summer to their cabins and summer homes - some of which I remember a group of us breaking into to party at - Kim Getz do you remember any of those fun times? Now I reside amongst those people and have experienced the same situations - down here they would never swim in a crick...and they would never go corning at Halloween - guess Mr. McCabe should have lived here and his house wouldn't have been the target of our bordem...anybody else guilty of visiting his house in October? Anybody ever have a "fresh air" student spend a few weeks with them for the summer? Now I understand what they must have thought about us in Hughesville - but there is always something special about the place we called home.

06/12/08 01:47 AM #27    

Michael Turi

The thing I miss most about PA is autumn when the leaves change color. It never really feels like football season when it's 105 degrees! I also miss two weeks of cold, wintery weather at Christmas. Seems weird singing "Let it Snow" when it's 75 and sunny. English being spoken as the PRIMARY language was also a nice thing, but I digress...

Shelly, I too enjoyed the stroll down memory lane with all of your pictures. However, I think you have me confused with Mike BOWER. He was the one who always irritated Mr. Bear and Mr. DeSanto---what, with all his big words, straight "A's" and stuff....

06/12/08 04:27 PM #28    

Kelley McCoy (DeWald)

Mike--Mike Bower annoy Mr. DeSanto? I think the Phoenix air is getting to you. Shelly found pictures that I thought had been lost forever. I tried to find some, but I have not been successful and I have only moved twice. I don't know what my excuse is.

Yes, living and growing up here is something all people should experience. I don't know that I want my boys to hang onto the bumper of the car while Amy and I slid in the snow behind it....or if they should ever know how their mother acted at the Pennsdale carnival after drinking way too much one night, right Reagan??

Christine and I know all too well what the Pennsdale cops look like up close and personal. Thank god he was kind and let us go. I know he wasn't that stupid since Christine got a little excited and tried to get rid of her evidence by throwing it out a closed window.....

Theresa--if you wish, I would be glad to mail you some Middlesworth potato chips so you can share with the rest of the soldiers. It is the least I can do....they may be crumbs by the time they get there, but give me an address and I bet you might see something arrive.

06/13/08 12:59 AM #29    

Ron Mendler

Karen - I honestly don't remember any male (or female) strip show at the prom... especially one that I may have starred in. I did have the nicest legs in that picture that Shelly posted from that night though! I think the pink socks helped.

Theresa - Sticking with the pink theme... I loved that teaberry ice cream too. I haven't had that since we were in high school, but next time my kids take me out for ice cream, I'm going to keep my eyes open for it. Although, I doubt I'd find it anywhere outside of Lycoming County.

Kelley - I beginning to see why you work for the bureau of prisons... initially, it may not have been a voluntary thing and now you're just working off all the community service hours.

Shelly - Thanks for posting all those great old pictures. And yes, that was your hand!

06/13/08 05:32 AM #30    

Shelly States (Scott)

Mike, I am quite certain it was you and Carl Stevens,(and maybe Joe and Dale) not Mike Bower that annoyed Mr. Bear and Mr. DeSantos. I distinctly remember flying erasers, spit balls, burping, flatulence, a frequent troublesome cough and yelling out words like a child with Tourette syndrome! Did you ever get paddled in the hall by Mr. Bear? - that was awful! Does anyone else remember all of this?

What I want to know is if you have been blessed with any such students and how you handle it? - ha ha I am quite sure there are no hallway beatings.

06/13/08 12:35 PM #31    

Michael Turi

Shelly--Oh, trust me, I have had some students to repay me tenfold. Of course, I was joking about Bower being the one to irritate the teachers. Forget Mr. Bear or Mr. DeSanto, I remember having to go in the hall and "assume the position" for Mr. Walk in 7th grade! Talk about humiliation. Certainly, Dale, David, and some others would remember that as well. I am not permitted the use of corporal punishment, so I simply resort to insults, sarcasm, and lightly veiled threats to maintain order and classroom discipline!

06/13/08 08:47 PM #32    

Karen Gotschal (Baker)

Mike Bower or Chad,

Does anyone remember who stole a test from Mr. Edner's class? That seems to be a memory that I don't have all the details to.

Also, you remember what happened to make Mrs. Hawley cry?

06/13/08 10:22 PM #33    

Margie Koch

I remember learning how to write the entire periodic chart on my hand in Edners class, the smell of sulfer and I believe pulling gum out of my hair. I totally forgot about Mr. Baer, Mr. Desantos and Carl Stevens. I remember learning something about Argentina from Mr. Desantos.
I remember Justine first starting at Ashkar and asking her how hard it was to learn English...duh!!
I also remember Mr. Walk frequently saying something like.."Am I right, Am I right, You're darn right I"m right"...correct me if I'm wrong.

06/14/08 11:15 PM #34    

Tracy Houseknecht (Lunger)

Margie- I remember doing some crazy things to get through Edner's classes! Thank goodness we had Chad and Mike Bower to teach us what we needed to know so we could pass the class!

Mike Turi- I have had to result to some sarcasm as well to maintain discipline in my 6th grade and 5th grade classes. Some of the things the kids do know, we would have never thought of doing...or would we have?

06/15/08 03:51 PM #35    

Christine Robbins (Nearhoof)

Shelly, I remember something about a barbie doll and Mr. Desanto(clothes all over, a boot on the flag pole and the
naked body on his desk)I believe it may have been one of the torments you were talking about.
Karen, I think I remember Mrs. Hawley bawling. Was it something to do with Mike Turi? I did summer school that year because I could not stand her!!!
Tracy, Scary but one of those kids was probably mine (Nick). Its pretty weird to do parent teacher conferences with someone you knew back when.

06/15/08 06:42 PM #36    

Sandra McKenna (Phillips)

I moved to HHS in 8th grade and they couldn't schedule all of my classes correctly. Anyway...I was put in Mr. Walk's class as a "filler" and he petrified me! He paddled Carl Stevens on a daily basis. All Carl had to do was walk in the class! It was pitiful. I was so afraid to be the next one called, I don't think I talked in HHS for the first month or so. LOL

That class ended up being a helluva lot of fun though. I think Kirkendall, Turi, Mark Stone, and a slew of others were in it. They always gave him a run for his money.

As for stolen tests, I remember being part of a group that stole a test from Mr. Sprout (8th grade?). We were all caught, too. It was not pretty. Anyone ever see Kelley?

And Edner's. A whole periodic table on your hand...I love that one! I'm still not sure if that class was miserable or just a joke, but it's where I met Todd so I have to love it. We tell our kids we met over a bunsen burner! They still think we're crazy.

06/15/08 09:40 PM #37    

Liz Troxel (Hoover)

What happened to Carl Stevens? Why isn't he on the page?

06/15/08 10:53 PM #38    

Tracy Houseknecht (Lunger)

Chris-I know what you mean about having students of the people you went to school with! Your Nick is a great boy and a great student to have in class! I wish all the kids were like him. Very respectful and gets along with everyone! What is weird for me now is the kids I first had in 6th grade have kids in my class now....that is weird!

I remember Mrs. Hawley's vocab. quizzes. The first section had a quiz and the second section had the opposite..

Liz..I believe that unfortunately Carl Stevens isn't with us anymore...

Ron--should he be on the" in memory" page?

06/16/08 10:40 AM #39    

Sandra McKenna (Phillips)


Forgive me if I get any of the details wrong - this is from memory and it happened many years ago.

Carl was having an argument with his girlfriend one night. He shot himself (with a .22 I think) and I believe the bullet pierced his heart.

I remember my husband Todd telling me back then that he believed Carl did not intend to kill himself (maim yes), unfortunately it went in the wrong direction. Todd talked with some people who knew Carl at the time or maybe were even there that night, I can't recall, but they were saying that, too. Who knows for sure...but still very sad.

I don't think he graduated with us. Did he drop out at 16 or move? I have yearbooks 1984, 86, 87, & 88. (can't seem to find '85). He's in 84 but not in any of the rest.

06/16/08 11:03 AM #40    

Bryon May

Hi Sandra - Carl didn't graduate with us. I'm sure he left after 8th grade. Thanks for sharing his sad passing because I didn't know.

06/16/08 11:18 AM #41    

Chad Moore

Karen -

I don't remember a stolen test in any of the classes I had with Mr. Edner, there was an incident a couple of years earlier involving a stolen Edner exam that resulted in some discipline but I will refrain from naming names to protect the guilty. I do remember a few instances of "creative" grading from Bill himself, but no stolen exam.
Also, as an aside, everyone can feel free to pile on Mr. Walk all they want, as far as I'm concerned, he had no business being anywhere near a classroom. But let me speak up in defense of Bill Edner. If nothing else, he did a fantastic job of preparing me, and many others no doubt, for a string of even more incomprehensible educators to come. I appreciate

06/16/08 01:43 PM #42    

Elizabeth Marsh (Longstreth)

Chad - you made a very good point about Mr. Edner preparing us for other "incomprehensible educators". I had a few and ironically most of them seemed to be Chemistry or Physics profs.

I don't remember stolen tests for his classes but do remember taking exams and there were several cheat sheets sticking out of books that were supposed to be under the desks. (There may have even been cases where the sheets were blatantly on top of the books.)

Does anyone remember the look of disbelief Mr. Edner used to get when we admitted we didn't understand what he was talking about?

Karen - I remember Mrs. Hawley crying but can't recall what it was all about either.

06/16/08 04:40 PM #43    

Sandra McKenna (Phillips)


Hi everyone! Just wanted to post it here too but Tracy Lunger and I are in the "pre-planning" stages of getting a family picnic going. There is a little blurb about it on the home page (scroll down to find it)

Anyway...if you are in the area and would like to come - send me an e-mail. Will most likely happen on July 13th (it's a Sunday) - let's pray for fun in the sun.

If there is interest, we may ask for a small family-based fee to cover rental costs and basic necessities but we want to just make it fun and laid back - nothing fancy and not a "reunion" type thing (although for me it will be, I haven't seen most of you since high school graduation). There won't be name tags or any old pics posted - just a fun time for all of us to hang out, catch up, cook hotdogs on the grill, and allow our kids to play together.

SO COME - AND BRING YOUR FAMILY! Don't forget to e-mail me if you're interested. Thanks.

06/16/08 05:10 PM #44    

Reagan Bitler

I would like to put the days of physics with Mr. Edner behind me - I was lost from day one - but it is funny how clear physics was in college a few years later - I do believe I have to agree with Chad on how he prepared us for future classes. I do remember a group of us hooking his class one day but I don't recall what we did or where we hung out. Mrs. Hawley - there is one vocabulary word that she didn't teach us that I could have used to describe her...and it is in reference to a female dog - the only good thing that came from her class was the trip to Bucknell to work on our research papers - god if computer technology had only surfaced a few years earlier in our lives. I do remember having completed a stolen geometry test and shrinking it down for others to use - and who could forget the stolen Spanish test that Karen's sister completed and gave to us - Matt you should remember that along with Sandra. I remember getting caught and having to take that final twice. One memory that I won't forget is on senior hook day at at lake gene...Kelly and a group of us went hiking and her shoes got wet and she had soap suds everytime she walked. It was one of those you had to be there moments. To Kelly and Christine - when are we going to go to hoss's for dinner?

06/16/08 06:01 PM #45    

Ron Mendler

Wow. After 20 years, you guys confess everything. I guess the statute of limitations has expired on these offenses.

I confess that I never cheated... although I suppose if I did, I may have made it into the National "Honor" Society like many of you wastrels!

I confess that I never received detention... however Mr. Walk did escort me to the hallway once because Krista pushed my chair out into the front of his classroom while Jim Hackett was reading his paragraph to the class. Mr. Walk slammed the door behind us and proceeded to smack the sole of his shoe with his black paddle several times allowing it to echo throughout the library (Mrs. Carichner probably loved that) while instructing me to pretend to cry upon returning to the classroom. I always considered this an act of kindness from a violent man.

I confess that I was always extremely entertained by the antics of Wild Bill. I may not have done well in those classes, but watching him bury his head in his hands when someone asked how to figure out the atomic mass just days before our final was priceless.

And lastly, I confess that I may have made Mrs. Hawley cry when I turned in only half of my requisite twenty page term paper junior year. I thought that I was the only one to witness the sheer disappointment in her teary eyes, but perhaps this carried over to her other classes. If that was indeed the case, I apologize to the entire class for making your French or English class all the more unbearable that day. Hopefully, this was not the same occasion though?!

06/16/08 11:07 PM #46    

Sandra McKenna (Phillips)

OMG Reagan, was I really involved in yet another cheating scandal? What a criminal I was! I vaguely remember that one but why in the world did we need it? This was Mr. Koernig's class. I think I just had to smile right to get an A (oops did I just say that out loud?)

It's funny, I found a Spanish journal from 11th or 12th grade recently. I couldn't read a lick of it! Well maybe a few words here and there but clueless. And I live in Miami! I can certainly relate to Turi's comment. English is NOT the first language here. Don't think I'll see this in Hughesville but every product sold here is labeled in at least 2 languages. Most are sold with Spanish facing forward. I should really be more up to speed with my Spanish, but with Koernig teaching it, not sure any of us really learned anything. I'm not even sure HE knew it. Do any of you remember EVER hearing him speak it at length? Took 5 years of it in HS and can speak, read, write it on a 1st grade level. Pitiful.

Todd and I tell our kids about our teachers a lot. Mr. Hetner (love him to death - such a nice guy and Todd even worked as a cop with him in South Wmspt.) but he was SO EASY that I can't remember anything from his class. He went over the exact questions on the test the day before.

But now ask me about the Ming Dynasty from 8th grade - Mr. Montgomery - and I could rattle off a list. Remember all his tests were BLUE BOOK? He was so hard but you definitely knew the information. Pop quiz today on Current Events!

Or how about American History with Mr. Hancock. Spent 3/4 of the year on the Civil War era & inventions and then swept through to present year in about a week when he realized he was out of time. Asked Todd and he did the same thing with them. Couldn't he figure this out after the first year? Todd and I realized we graduated really lacking in basic 20th century American History knowledge (thank goodness for libraries).

And will never forget learning about chromosomes and genetics with Mrs. Mincemoyer, I mean Mrs. Miller is Mrs. Mincemoyer, okay I mean Ms. Myers (LOL). Yea that was confusing for a couple of years.

Does anyone else praise Mrs. Poust every day for teaching you how to type? It was a bear of a class, but I can't thank her enough. "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." Yep that's the one you had to type PERFECTLY because it uses every letter of the alphabet. Ugh!

Mrs. Lander - WE LOVE YOU.
Mrs. DeSanto - please don't ask me another mythology question I haven't even figured out the cliff notes yet. SO HARD...but loved her.
Mrs. Hess - could you be any nicer, do you ever stop smiling? (Mike, Chad, & Steph - 10th grade speech was a hoot) but yes she could be tough too in a nice way.
Mrs. Lechien - a best friend whenever you needed one
Mrs. Auden - OMG tough, but fair and pushed you to succeed even though you didn't want to hear it at the time.
Mr. Kolbrich - a smart ass

Others: I'll let someone else add to this list.

And may Mr. Zablocky, Mr. Lechien, and Mr. Nace (and anyone else I am unaware of) respectfully rest in peace. You are missed.

06/17/08 08:28 AM #47    

Elizabeth Marsh (Longstreth)

Hey Sandra and everyone -
I see you made a list of teachers in your post. Just to let you all know, Mrs. Lander sadly passed away in March of this year.
She will be missed!

06/17/08 03:19 PM #48    

Mike Bower

Hey everybody,

No wonder my ears were burning. Geez, you go away for a couple of weeks and everyone starts taking your name in vain.

Shelly, those pictures are amazing, thanks. Theresa, I know exactly what you mean about things being different away from home. Most of the rest of the world hasn't even heard about Lebanon bologna, for crying out loud, and the scrapple content of most restaurants elsewhere is sadly lacking. And yes, "teaberry" is a flavor that has to be explained everywhere I go. I won't even tell you what I was forced to eat when I lived in California. :)

Mike Turi - I think we all annoyed Mrs. Desanto at one point or another, but I will not be singled out!

I don't remember much stripping at the prom, at least at the prom itself, but then again I had also completely forgotten Mr. Walk's name, too. I guess our brains protect us from some things too horrible to preserve.

Hi Karen, I don't remember one specific thing that made Mrs. Hawley cry. There seemed to be many things - I don't think she was a very happy person, at least not in her job/life at HHS. I do have to put a good word in for Mr. Edner. As Chad points out, he certainly prepared us for more incomprehensible teachers to come. AND - HHS is one of the only high schools I've ever come across that taught organic chemistry. It just doesn't happen elsewhere. I think I was the only chemistry major at my college who'd ever seen it before, and believe me it was a huge advantage. That course kicked the living crap out of several people who thought they were going to be chemists when they grew up. I serve on a scholarship committee at the University of Delaware, so I see a lot of really high-powered transcripts from students, and I still don't see organic chemistry on any of them. So, humble as some things at HHS are/have been, that was a great thing for me at least.

Sandra, you are so right about Mr. Hancock's history class. Even at the time, we suspected something was up. I've spent a lot of time since getting out of school just finding out what US history actually has been.

I went to Mrs. Lander's funeral, I think it was in March, and I visited her with my aunt some years ago when she was still pretty functional. She remembered my aunt but not me. What a tough disease, and awful to see that happen to one of the sharpest teachers we had.

Ron, you always had the best legs and somehow managed to show them off. I can't believe that if someone was showing skin at the prom, you didn't get involved. :)

Anyway, it's a joy to see everyone's kids on the site pictures and to see such a lot of activity here. I'm looking forward to the reunion, I hope a lot of you can make it.

06/17/08 11:23 PM #49    

Michael Turi

I am quite certian I never made a teacher cry! (Well, pretty certain). I think Steve Daye, Rob Stutzman, et. al. are not getting enough heat on this message board! I may, however, have poured sugar on myself at the prom. Don't hold me to that. It's just a fuzzy memory.

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